Student Email Policy

Douglas County School District (DCSD) has created Google accounts for all DCSD students. With these accounts, students have access to Google docs, calendars, sites, and email. Here at Buffalo Ridge Elementary (BRE), we are working to fully implement these features and to keep you informed of how they are being used; more importantly, our focus is the responsible use of technology.



Google Docs, now known as Drive, is a free, web-based suite of apps which includes word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations as well as data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users.

These services provide a variety of learning opportunities to our students. Students are able to:

  • Use Docs to collaborate with peers and teachers on classroom projects.
  • Use Docs to create projects at home or at school and continue working on them anywhere they have an Internet connection.
  • Use Sites to create a website as a portfolio of student work.
  • Use Calendars to track work and upcoming events.
  • Use email to communicate with teachers around classroom work, ask questions about activities, ask about missed assignments, or update teachers on larger projects.
  • Use email to collaborate with students during group projects.
  • Communicate school messages and announcements to students.

Students will be using these services for classroom activities throughout the school year in any given classroom. Students are instructed to use this account for educational purposes only. This is a place for educational collaboration and a way to extend educational opportunities to students; however, it is not a social place for students.


Student email address example:

Student Name: Joseph B Sample

Username: [email protected]


In the process of using these accounts, students will be instructed not only how to use the features in Google accounts, but also certain expectations associated with this kind of opportunity. Students who abuse these accounts and use them in an inappropriate manner could be subject to the loss of privileges associated with Google accounts. Please see the DCSD Student Code of Conduct for acceptable use of technology. Students are ultimately responsible for their own behavior.